New subtitle in header

Hey, everyone, if you haven’t noticed already, there’s a new subtitle in the header. Many thanks to Marty for the quote – she was summarizing our upcoming move, and I think she captured it perfectly!

2 Responses to “New subtitle in header”

  1. Ann says:

    Many thanks to you, Cathy, for pointing out the new subhead. Otherwise I don’t think I would have noticed. Not that I don’t think the subhead is brilliant; it’s just that whatever new creative project is posted on the blog just grabs my eyes away from the header. Also, the white print is a little hard to read against the background. You might want to consider another color. Fuschia? Aquamarine? Or maybe just black.

  2. Cathy says:

    Thanks! You know, when I was putting the initial design of the blog together, I tried all kinds of colors for the text in the header, trying to get it to stand out against the riotously colorful background, and the best I could do was white (which is the standard color that the blog template comes with).

    Sometime down the road, I’ll probably change out the photo in the header, and try other colors against the new photo. Tinkering with the blog is amazingly addictive, and I have so much to do to get the house ready to sell that I can’t let myself get sucked into it.

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