WIP – Reversible Rib Shawl

This project was conceived as travel knitting – it’s relatively mindless (K2P2 rib with some cables every so often), and the mohair/silk yarn is super light – great for shoving into luggage. My original travel knitting plan was a lace cardigan with the same yarn, but the lace pattern was going to take way more concentration than travel knitting really ought to require.


Of course, true confession time: of the 12″ of shawl that I’ve got done so far, about 5 rows were actually knit while traveling. Yes, I can fly to Europe and back, take my knitting with me on the airplane, and only get a few rows done on the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit and in the Detroit airport, despite my near inability to sleep in airplanes. Much more of the knitting was done before the trip – I wanted to make sure that it looked enough like an actual project to convince the airport security folks that it really was knitting, and not a way to sneak a circular knitting needle on the airplane for some nefarious purpose.

There’s a lovely post with a finished shawl in a similar color at a completely amusing blog

Oh, and a side note for the plethora of blog fans who aren’t relatives or relatives*. I’m ksubnaught on Ravelry. If there is only one such fan, does that make it a plethorum?

3 Responses to “WIP – Reversible Rib Shawl”

  1. Marty says:

    This is very soft yarn. You could spend a lot of time petting it…

  2. Cathy says:

    Rebecca, I have a friend who’s on Ravelry, and I just sent her email telling her your username. I hope you don’t mind. I’m not sure what her username is, but it might be something like gannet.

  3. Ann says:

    Yes, one of a plethora is definitely a plethorum.

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