As most of you know, Lou and I were at the Cute Little House last week, and all I can say is that it is amazing how much one can accomplish when there are no moats to be constructed. Not that one objects to constructing moats, mind you, but moat construction and quilting/sewing/needlework are not especially compatible.
So I approached my week at the CLH unaccompanied by moat builders with great anticipation, bringing an unprecedented four (4) projects with me and certain that I was suffering from delusions of accomplishment. But I actually completed them all! And still I found time for a scintillating morning with the local historical society and a 33 mile bike ride. Talk about a sense of accomplishment!
So, in order from Highest Priority Project to Just Plain Fun Stuff, here they are:
1) Bibs, bibs, bibs (Avert your eyes, Cathy. These are en route to you and will arrive in a few days.) The terry cloth bibs that Cathy requested for James after discovering, thanks to Great Aunt Pat, just how great terry cloth is for self-feeding babies. Cathy insisted that the bibs need not be gussied up, and Grandma Ann did her best.

Priority #2 was to complete the quilt top for little Kristof, our Hungarian grandson. Here it is:

And so you can admire the incredibly cute focus print, here is a detail of one corner:

I just discovered that I have enough quilt batting in stock for the quilt, so quilting will probably start soon.
Priority #3, continuing in the tradition established last Christmas by Marty (also known as Not That Martha), was a gift bag for the books that I am planning to send to Hungary for the aforementioned Kristof. Using an irresistible flannel purchased on a Crackpot Fabric Expedition in one of two states in which Crackpots are resident, I came up with this:

And finally, just for fun, I did a second version of Rebecca’s Challenge from last Christmas. Crackpots who may not have completed even one version of the challenge are forbidden by Crackpot Rules from any feelings of envy or guilt because one us has done two while they have done none. Remember, we are Crackpots, and we do what we feel like doing, at least creatively speaking, whether it makes sense or not. So here are the two versions. As Rebecca predicted, they look really different, despite being the same pattern executed with the same fabrics.

Now I’m tempted to try for a third. But there is also the challenge of what to do with these. I’m considering putting a dark green border on each of them and making them into wall hangings for the kitchen of the CLH. But then I would have to make a new kitchen curtain to match… Another good example of how One Thing Leads to Another among Crackpots.