Archive for February, 2010

Bibs for Girls

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

by Nancy

After completing several construction bibs, I set about doing some bibs in more “girly” colors. It was actually a little harder than I’d expected – who knew there were so many different shades of pink? I have much more experience with things for boys, but eventually my creative juices got flowing, and here’s what I came up with:

small baby bib

medium toddler bib

medium toddler bib

At Last! Ann’s New Studio!!

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Yes, Crackpots, at last my New Quilting Studio, courtesy of Melvin and Father Christmas, is ready for show and tell.

First we need to see the Before photos in order that you may fully appreciate the improvements.

studio before 1In this photo, note how the machine sits up on the desk, too  high for comfortable stitching and easy  viewing of the  work area.

studio before 2Here we see a larger view of the work area showing the ironing board. Note the location of the wardrobe.

studio before3A view  from still farther back showing most of the available space.

studio before 4One more view, showing the space where the New Sewing Table will go.

And now for the transformation……Ta Dah!!!

studio after 1Note the comfy chair, the sewing machine at a much more comfortable height, and the large space available for cutting fabric, laying out  fabric for piecing, and for supporting fabric for large projects, like quilting a certain wall quilt. Also note the presence of Pug.

studio after 2Another view. Note that the freezer is still available as a work surface and that it is now much more conveniently located relative to the machine. Also note the abundant lighting available from a variety of angles.

studio after 3A long view. Note the new locations of the bed and the wardrobe, providing greater privacy  for those availing themselves of the guest room option. Also, the top of the wardrobe now makes a great cat place with easy access from the stairs. If Pug ever  figures it out.

And finally…

studio after 51the really long view. Note the large  open space that will be of interest to younger non-Crackpots who wish to avail themselves of the ball-playing and American Revolution reenactment features of the space. And to Pug.

Crackpots for Linus

Monday, February 1st, 2010

by Nancy

I got our two quilt tops from this summer, along with two other quilt tops that I made a while ago for possible sale but then wasn’t happy enough with and decided not to finish, all ready to mail out to Project Linus this morning.

As I was getting these quilt tops out, I came upon the Crackpot Round Robin in progress quilt. I haven’t forgotten about it, though I haven’t added anything to it, either, but I did want Crackpots to know that it is still around and will get added to someday!