by Nancy
We’re on fall break next week, so I’m looking forward to having some sewing time. I’ve been thinking about making another reusable shopping bag. I started looking through my scraps and found some fabric left over from Mira and Audra’s quilts. That led me to the blue flower fabric, which is extra from Anna’s quilt, and I have quite a bit of it and some coordinating fabrics. We’ll see what I end up doing…

My week started out well – when I walked into my room Monday morning, this was waiting for me on my desk:

My laminating order was finished!!! My school just switched over from do-it-yourself laminating to “we’ll do it for you so people stop breaking the laminator.” I couldn’t be happier – I’ve always been intimidated by the laminator and afraid of being the one to break it, so I hadn’t tried to use it yet. Now I can just leave it up to the pros.
Later in the week we found out that our new photocopier was even better that we had first thought:

It punches holes!!! I’ve never heard of a copier doing that. Wow! For people like me who do guided notes and hole punch them to encourage students to keep them organized in a binder, this is fantastic! As you can see, we’re still plugging along with the dative case – the last part, dative prespositions!
Fall arrived almost overnight this weekend. On Thursday it was 80 degrees, and by Saturday morning it was in the low 40s for Nicholas’ soccer game. The leaves are starting to change, too.